![]() Like many people, I often spend some time during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day looking toward the next year and thinking about possible goals or changes in different areas. This year especially, since last year kind of ran me into the ground, and I’d prefer to not repeat that. But this year, I had a bit of a revelation... I figured out long ago (although I rarely do it) that I’m better off making daily ‘what I did’ lists than ‘to do’ lists. It works better for me to see a growing list of accomplishments than a list of things hanging over me, especially if I don’t get to lots of them. This is great if you tend to have interruptions or changes of plans frequently, because you still get to write something down:-). It also encourages writing down more relational things like reading to your kid, or a phone call with a friend, that might not normally even make it on to your ‘to do’ list, at least if you are a ‘measurable results’ oriented person like I am... It’s still good to keep a list of things you’d like to do, or things you have to do, but more general and ongoing rather than daily. But I’ve never done that on a yearly basis, or really even written down what I DID do. I tend to just see all of the things I HAVEN’T done. And of course you can do both, you don’t have to choose. I was extremely busy last year, but much of it was not what I planned. (Obviously no one plans ‘seven weeks of hospice care for Mom’ into their schedule :-( ) But I think writing down what I actually do at least in addition to what I plan to do will make me more mentally accepting of doing what God sends me and letting go of MY plans, and also more willing to spend time on relational things (or routine things like housework or exercise that don’t end with a finished product and have to be done again... and again...) rather than just projects. I’m probably on the extreme end of ‘results oriented’, hopefully YOU are better at going with the flow already. But 2020 seems like a good year to start practicing ‘hindsight’ along with my planning. :-) Beret ![]() To see all of our kits and patterns, click the photo!
Beret Nelson's On The Trail Creations Blog PageBeret NelsonI am a homeschooling mom of three fun kids, who are now old enough that I have a little time to pursue my passion for sewing! After several years of making quilted cards and art quilts, I'm now designing kits and patterns. Some of my designs have been in Keepsake Quilting and Art Quilting Studios magazine! I teach classes online, and am starting to do more traveling and teaching. I also have many tutorials, including some on YouTube. I am blessed to live in Alaska where I am surrounded by the inspiration provided by the beauty of God's creation! Free mini art quilt workshop for new subscribers!
"Like" my facebook page!I am also an independent distributor for Plexus supplements, since I credit them with enabling me to be healthy enough to do all these fun things! They target blood sugar and gut health, which are at the root of so many modern health issues. E-mail me for more info, or check out my website! I am as passionate about getting people healthy as I am about getting people creating :-)
[email protected] or https://plexusworldwide.com/beretnelson Archives
June 2024